History is being written as we watch, welcome to “Follow the Money: The Rise & Fall of the Federal Government”
This is the introduction episode of my new series looking at exactly what’s taking place in Washington and what it really means for you and me. This is an introductory episode and I’m going to explain what I hope to accomplish through this show. “Follow the Money: The Rise & Fall of the Federal Government” Explaining what departments are being done away with and what they’re supposed to be doing. The history of the departments being done away. What is their budget, how are they spending their budgets, a12nd who actually created the budgets. How is the department actually supposed to work. The opinions of the far right and the opinion of the far left. And finally, how the cuts will affect your daily life. There will be a live streamed episode every Tuesday at 9 PM, Texas Time. Welcome to “Follow the Money: The Rise & Fall of the Federal Government” What’s this show all about? Why this show? What’s Happening in Washington? What agencies are being attacked? Why are they being attacked? Agency History Why were they here in the first place. How its disappearance will affect you and Me What do the politicians say? So How did we get to this mess?
Basically, we’re here because Congress does a really bad job of managing the country. I say that not as a republican or a democrat, but as an independent historian who studies these types of situations. What do I mean when I say that Congress has done a bad job? Most of us had at least some type of civics course when we were in grade school. We learned there are 3 branches of government the Executive, (the president), the Legislative (Congress – house and senate), and the Judicial, (courts).
The legislative passes the laws that are supposed to be for the common good, that’s you and me, the executive is supposed to enforce the laws, and the courts are supposed to interpret the laws to make sure they’re constitutional. That’s how it’s supposed to work, and it sort of sometimes does. The problem is that for some reason, for the past several decades Congress has decided it doesn’t really want to be bothered with paying attention to the laws they pass, they just want to pass laws that their supporters want. Most of the time they don’t even bother to read the laws they pass (their staff usually writes them). So, what happens is that Congress creates some agency to deal with some issue that most members of congress have clue as to what is really happening. They then turn over the running of the agency and enforcement of their rules to civil servants who try to do what congress wants them to do. There is rarely any clear guidance, so these folks in the agencies try to figure out what they’re supposed to do.
This creates confusion, chaos, and conflict.